Senin, 12 Desember 2016

A Letter To Your Younger Self and Your 10-years-later Self

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good evening see you around with me Abdul Mudi this time I wont to poshting about “A Letter To Your Younger Self and Your 10-Years-Later Self”. Actually I don’t have younger because I was the youngest. But this letter for my nephew Yuni Novianti still sitting on the bench SMP clas nine good pass with secor good and acknowledged in SMA interest it’s not mush longer Yuni SMA and the adults after that college after that married and have baby I hope to Yuni stay a child who is devoted to old people and you don’t want to hurt both parents Yuni. I very hope to Yuni keep that mojo working demanding science until college later so it’s not the same with ours family and ours family better and one way for decide the poverty it’s education.

I don’t now what is will happen with we and ours family at 10 years fore, but I wont or I hope 10 years fore I have to be entrepreneurs success, it’s become a successful person having a family who was happy associations, peaceful, and peace. A later it doesn’t have to be in writing a paper posting in blogger same with later. Maybe I could share this nigh wort and thank you it has been reading my blogger that’s simple.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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