Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

Rise Cafe Shop In Pontianak

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Good evening Miss Dini and all students that I proud of before we start the of evening let me introduce my self fust. Well, my name is Abdul Mudi you can call me Abdul or Mudi I am currently active as a students in Faculty Of Economic And Bussines Tanjungpura University Pontianak.

1.      Competition cofe shop
2.      Big profit
3.      Reduce the level of unemployment

1.      Competition cofe shop
Drink cofe every day it’s been the routines for many people. It’s only natural if this become lifestyle. Various the relayed present the a cup of cofe muchroom in Pontianak. However not much give color different. Present the cofe in the concept of an unusual. Found in the Jl. Gusti Situt Mahmud Siantan Pontianak Jablay cofe shop visitor not so much. But in that particular day in Jablay cofe shop like Sunday nigh and when there is the soccer player football favorites, because in Jablay cofe shop the facilities there are only the secren width the teenagers like squat in cafe shop having a facility complete example on is wifi ID, place interesting and pleasant.

2.      Big profit
How many business is growing in Pontianak most developing countries is cofe shop because near every month in edges road always increase café shop and profit result is big can half the price from capital. Not uncommon the businesss like open business cafe shop, because cafe shop small losses and big profit, sometime business small losses then small profits and on the contrary large losses than big profits resulted difference with cafe shop small losses and big profit resulted.

3.      Reduce the level of unemployment
Level unemployment in Indonesia the year the increased moreover in Pontianak that’s too much unemployment that’s good type graduates SMA, D3, and S1 with limited a jod in big city we demand for being entrepreneurs and open opportunity for a who lives on the outskirts of the road big city and this become the prospect of the business open business café shop and accept unemployment.
*Maybe it’s all I can tell you. Before I close this speech, I am sorry, if there is a sentence that lack of permission. That’s the end of me and thank you for your attention
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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